Program Requirements
18 credits total
Required Courses
Typically Offered
Course Number
Interdisciplinary Seminar in Life-Span Development & Gerontology
3 Every Spring GERO 61191 3006:680
Biology of Aging, Physiology of Aging, or Equivalent—such as:
3 Varies
Biology of Aging*
Physiology of Aging:
Implications for Human Behavior
3 Every Fall & Summer BSCI 50020
3 Every 3rd Fall EXPH 60610
Psychosocial Gerontology or Equivalent—such as:
3 Varies
Adult Development & Aging
Psychology of Aging*
3 Every Fall & Spring GERO 54030
3 Every Fall GERO 50656
Sociology of Aging & the Life Course
3 Every few years SOC 62877
Research Methods
from home dept.
3 Varies
Practicum or Research
3 Every Fall, Spring, home dept. 3006:695
& Summer
* Course is online.
Sample Electives (50+ options)
Typically Offered
Course Number
Death & Dying*
3 Every Fall & Intersession SOC 52010
Exercise Leadership for the Older Adult
3 Varies EXPH 50612
Aging in Society*
Health Law
Managing People in Organizations*
3 Every Fall, Spring, & Summer SOC 52879
3 Every Fall & Spring 9200:646
3 Every Fall & Intersession 6500:652
Developing Environments for Older Adults
3 Varies ARCH 55640
Family Relationships in Middle and Later Years*
Career Development and Counseling across the Lifespan
Gerontological Issues in Audiology
3 Every Spring 3760:541
3 Every Fall & Spring 5600:647
3 Every Summer 7700:714
* Course is online.

Certificate Guidelines
Kent State University
GPA Requirements
As described in the Catalog, graduate students must maintain a 3.00 minimum grade point average. Graduate Catalog policy states: “A graduate student who receives a combination of more than 8 credit hours of B- (2.7) or lower grades, or more than 4 credit hours of grades lower than C (2.0) is subject to dismissal.” Students who are unable to maintain academic standards of the College are subject to dismissal for academic reasons. Grades of C- or below are not counted toward completion of the certificate.
General Requirements
1. Certificates must be completed within six years after the first graduate enrollment.
2. No more than 2 hours of workshop may be used toward a certificate.
3. Before being eligible to be awarded a Certificate, students must be admitted to the Certificate program.
Current Degree Seeking Students
Students who are currently in a degree program (masters, Educational Specialist, or Ph.D.) may also apply to a certificate program. Their degree seeking coursework may be applied to the certificate coursework with advisor approval. The courses must be completed within six years and satisfy certificate course requirements.
Transfer Hours
Students who are admitted or were previously admitted as a guest or non-degree or who have a previous graduate degree (masters, Educational Specialist, or Ph.D.) and are not currently seeking another graduate degree may transfer a maximum 6 credit hours with advisor approval. Therefore, a total of six hours of transfer credits may be used toward the certificate requirements whether from another institution or taken at KSU prior to admission to the certificate program.
To transfer in coursework from an accredited institution (not KSU) the student completes the “Request for Transfer of Graduate Credit” form. The transfer of credit paperwork should be done in the first semester and submitted to room 418 White Hall with an original transcript with grade posted. OGSS will secure all required signatures. For coursework to qualify, the following conditions must be met: (1) student was admitted as a graduate student at the time the graduate level course was taken; (2) a grade of “B” or Satisfactory was earned; (3) credit will be less than six years old at the time the certificate is conferred at Kent.
Plan of Study
It is the responsibility of each graduate certificate student to make an appointment with the assigned certificate advisor and prepare a plan of study to be filed with the Office of Graduate Student Services, 418 White Hall, by the end of the second enrolled semester. The plan of study form is available in the program area. If the plan of study must be revised after submitting to OGSS, the advisor must initial the change(s) on the plan of study or submit a memo to OGSS indicating the changes(s).
Graduation / Application Process
The online graduation application is used for all degree and certificate programs. To access the online graduation application, log into FlashLine, then click on the Student / Resources / Graduation. Students must apply for graduation no later than Friday of the first full week of classes in the semester in which graduation is anticipated. The Late Graduation Application form is accessible on FlashLine, under Student/Resources/Graduation Section in Flashline. Deadlines will be enforced for graduation clearance.
The University of Akron
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